Monday, February 8, 2010

My 1st Blog!! =)

O Lord, I am lost like a sheep without a shepherd,
Shine Your light to show me the way back
Into Your arms again.
Forgive my sins and don't hide Your face
from me.
For my life without You is

Yesterday, the topic we have learned in the cg is about praying with psalm... this is the psalm that I wrote during the bible study...It is a challenge for me to lead the cg and most of the time I feel like giving up...and just stay at my comfort zone...

Yesterday is been a really hard time for me... I keep telling myself to take this as a training ground so that in future I will continue grow and able to serve and glorify Him in more ways! Everyone loves to stay in their comfort zone but sometimes we have to learn to take one step out and letting God to change and mould you in order to grow...

Just like a nugget of gold taken from the stream, it needs to be refined and purified in the fire before emerging as a pure substance... It is the same concept of our life... Though the process is hard and painful but with God's grace and mercy, He will bring us through...

Therefore, learn to surrender to Him and rely on His strength for He is our faithful Father and His love never fails...This songs remind me that how much that I have change after I accepted God in my life...I have experience His love and transformation when the time I accepted Christ into my life... I hope you will experience it one day...

Change My Heart, O God
Make it Ever True
Change My Heart, O God
May I be like You
You are the Porter I am the Clay
Mould Me and Make Me
This is what I pray

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