Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Thanks, Belle....

I feel so blessed to have Belle staying with me for this past few days... When I look at her, I think of myself in the past... We have so much things in common! =)

Well, every night we will share our problems together, pray for one another and also force her to smell my smelly boaster(Jane) which i never wash it for 14years! Wakaka! I think my fish will die instantly if I throw it into the aquarium! hehe...I will also make sure she will give me a good night kiss before I sleep! =) hehe... After this post, I think my friends will never dare to have sleepover at my place anymore...

Belle... I really appreciate you for being my good friend and my sister in Christ... Be strong and courage for the Lord is with you... I am hoping to see the day when God answer your prayers just like how He has answer mine! He will bring you out from the shadow and you will able to serve Him and shine for Him in more ways... Thanks for sharing with me the psalm that you have written and I will always keep you in my prayers! When you feel lonely in Kampar, remember that there is someone who cares for you and love you more than anyone else...God will be your best and your closest friend! =)

Thanks again sis! I wish you can stay over for few more days...Gonna miss the time we spend together... Anyway, wish you will have an enjoyable holidays during Chinese New Year and don't forget my Jane k! Goin to miss you alot T.T Gambatae!!

A song for you....

Think about His Love,
Think about His Goodness,

Think about His Grace,
That brought us through...

For as high as the Heavens above,

So Great is the measure of Our Father's love

So Great is the measure of Our Father's love...
How could I forget His love,
How could I forget His mercy,
He satisfies, He satisfies,

He satisfies...

My desires.

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